a real judge with a real sense of humor!
the Rio Grande Valley's most popular
Master of Ceremonies
Winter or Summer - call on THE JUDGE!
The Judge sings his rendition of "Along The Rio Grande" - click pic above to see the video
The Judge is performing across with RGV with
check listings in Welcome Home RGV and Winter Texan Times for dates and locations
THE JUDGE SINGS the Texas Version of
"I wish I was back on the farm"
Click the pic above to see the video
with famed country guitarist Dale Wayman in South Texas
This "Texas Version is based on a George Formby classic
Click on this pic to see the Judge sing
"My Ding-a-ling"

Elaine sings "When my blue moon turns to gold again" - just clock the pic above
click pic above to hear "The Judge" sing "Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight"
The Judge joins the Wynne Jammers to sing
an old Country song from 1949
click the picture to see the video
This is the first try with no rehearsal
Everyone in the band is at least 72 years old!!!!\
The Judge plays a boogie-woogie banjole and a country style ukulele in his show
and will often whip his "Cajon Caribe" lap drum into some fine rythmn
Now THAT'S Funny!
PLUS a few tall tales and some great comedy too!
Traditional Country music may be his thing ... BUT the Judge sometimes sits in with his Cajon drum for some Mexican conjunto music

The Judge was proud to be a small part of
"RGV Git-r-Done" Bluegrass and Country Music Band
which provides a benefit show series
with 100% of all donations benefit St. Jude's Hospital!
The Judge was the featured Master of Ceremonies for the
Arkansas Masonic Charities Music Tour of 2002
featuring country music legends Freddy Hart and Hank Thompson

The Judge appeared on stage at the Music Valley Theater with country music legend Miss Leona Williams

official portrait in the main courtroom
Carroll County Main Courthouse
Rio GrandeValley's

The Judge speaks on Veterans Day
The Judge is a disabled veteran himself

above and below
The Judge at work in his courthouse

to book
The Judge
at your event email him at:

Dale Evans with husband Roy Rogers
Click the Uke to hear The Judge sing and play
Chattanooga Shoe shine boy
The Bandwagon Country Music Theater
The Judge performed with
award winning
Australian Country Music
recording artists
The Legarde Twins
CLICK THE PICTURE of the LEGARDE TWINS above TO SEE A VIDEO about their career

Frizell Country Music Show
in character as Father Time
The Judge
occasionally surprises audiences with his banjo playing and siinging!
Now THAT"S funny!
The Judge will sometimes sing
a Spanish or a Portuguese song too!
The Judge plays Hallelujah on his "eleuke"
click the pic to see the video
has been entertaining audiences on both sides of of the Mason/Dixon line for years!
He has appeared with celebrities from musicians and entertainers to politicians to TV and radio personalities!
to who?

THE JUDGE with the HEB Hippies
the JUDGE was the HEB spokesperson at the Rio Grande Valley Music Festival
for many years!

The Judge and "Cousin Minnie" join the Pausitive Family of the Southern Anthem Band
click the picture to watch the video

The Judge loves
doing charity events!
Look for The Judge from Falcon Lake to South Padre Island
helping raise funds for the music students of the various school districts of the Rio Grande Valley!
Contact THE JUDGE for your next charity event!

photo by ROD
to see what these dancing girls from "Reinas de Saba" dance troup

The Eureka Country Theater
The Judge sang, joked, and appeared in character with
The Swannee River Boys

The Judge in character as Santa
gets a kiss from his main helper
at the
Ozark Mountains Hoe Down Theater

miles of smiles!
always amusing!
Here comes...
"The Judge" !
A REAL judge with a REAL sense of humor!
look for
at numerous traditional Country

a really old Judge -
Justice Pike AR. Supreme Court (CSA) 1864

and his
bring a smile to your group

The Judge is a veteran of the US Army

In memory of some great friends!
ave atque vale
Paul Anderson
one of the best keyboard men the Judge ever worked with
The honkytonk piano man now plays for a celestial audience!

a great fiddler and a great person
Jay Kelly
rest in peace old friend

Gordie Hildreth
the Singing Canadian!
An entertaining jammer and a good friend

A very young Judge as Provincetown (MA) Town Manager in 1971
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